President of beulah heights university
"Founded in 1918, Beulah Heights has become known as one of the nation’s oldest and fastest growing Bible institutions. Located in the beautiful city of Atlanta, Georgia, Beulah Heights University aims to offer higher education founded in the Protestant Christian tradition. BHU is proud to be acknowledged for its academic pursuits and its dedication to the Christian mission. Beulah Heights University is proud of its heritage as a training institution for students interested in learning ethical leadership for the ministry and the marketplace. Beulah Heights University (BHU) offers students a curriculum that is centered in its core values of Biblical Inerrancy, Integrity, Global Missions, Dedicated Servant-hood, and Diversity suitable for Christian leadership in a host of arenas."
100역사의 미국 뷸라하이츠 유니버시티 TESOL PROGRAMS
테솔은 영어가 모국어가 아닌 비영어원권 사람들에게 영어를 영어로 가르칠 수 있는 자격을 갖게 해주는 국제영어교사자격증 과정입니다. 제대로 영어 교육을 하기 위해서는 필수로 갖춰야하는 자격증 중 하나입니다.프로그램 세부 사항이나 입학 절차에 대해 자세히 알아보려면 [ESL Inquiry Packet을 다운로드 click!] 하십시오
Commencement Class of 2023Beulah Heights University Benson M. Karanja,Ed.D...